Join us for upcoming events

Dallas Democratic Forum presents "The Accommodation: Dallas and the Cotton-Picking Truth" Luncheon Conversation
Dallas Democratic Forum presents "The Accommodation: Dallas and the Cotton-Picking Truth" Luncheon Conversation with Professor Clarency E. Glover, Jr. and Jim Schutze
Join the Dallas Democratic Forum for a very special Black History Month presentation with two Dallas icons on Presidents’ Day. They will explore the significant role that cotton played as an economic engine that grew the city of Dallas. Jim Schutze, author of the now famous book The Accommodation: The Politics of Race in an American City will speak with Professor Clarence E. Glover, Jr., an expert on how African American cotton pickers during the periods of slavery and Jim Crow, built the economic base for the South, particularly in Dallas.
2023 Patron & Sustaining Members - Free
Click below to pay for the luncheon IN ADVANCE via Paypal:
(NOTE: Payment in advance will be at a discounted price.)
2023 Regular Members -$30 (advance payment); $35 at door;
Non-Members - $40 (advance payment); $45 at door;
Table of up to 10 - $350 - for preferred seating and acknowledgment; must be paid in advance through this link.
For inquiries and more information, contact The Dallas Democratic Forum at

Dallas College presents "The Accommodation: Journey to Triumph"
Join the Dallas College Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and the Offices of the Presidents (as led by Dr. Joe Seabrooks) in celebrating the journey of Black triumph in the City of Dallas via a timely discussion with authors Mr. Jim Schutze and Commissioner John Wiley Price on February 15th, from 11 AM – 1 PM, in the H Building of our Cedar Valley Campus.
In The Accommodation: Journey to Triumph, Dallas College will pay homage via an engaging keynote and intimate conversation on race, culture, housing, civil rights, and opportunity. The discussion will be moderated by our own Jasmine D. Parker, Ph.D. systemwide Senior Diversity Leader.
Included in the event will be an audience Q&A. Complimentary book copies of The Accommodation, sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will be available with a book signing following the event.
This event is open to students, faculty, staff, leaders, and community members.
As a Big D Reads partner, we hope this offering produces transparent conversations and culturally based learning opportunities in our classrooms, workspaces, and other facets of life as we (un)learn the history of Dallas and commit to a more inclusive path forward.
Please join us for this face-to-face and concurrent live-streamed offering. This presentation awards attending employees two hours of professional development credit.

America’s/Dallas Dinner Table: MLK Day Virtual Dinner Table Event
America’s/Dallas Dinner Table: MLK Day Virtual Dinner Table Event
During a time when divisions are highlighted and polarization is high, America’s/Dallas Dinner Table invites you to support its annual event that builds understanding and unity. Last year, more than 400 attendees participated in constructive listening and sharing sessions that built connections across several states. On January 16, 2023, participants will have the opportunity to engage with others on the impact of race and racism from their homes.
Imagine engaging in meaningful discussions about race with a diverse group of people in a setting that encourages candor and camaraderie.
With your help, America's/Dallas Dinner Table, for nearly two decades has focused on improving race relations one conversation at a time.
Registration is free. Click here to register.

The Dallas Institute’s 16th Annual MLK Day Symposium | “Soul Force: The Enduring Challenge of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
The Dallas Institute’s 16th Annual MLK Day Symposium | “Soul Force: The Enduring Challenge of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Doors open at 5 p.m. in the historic St. Paul United Methodist Church. Introductory remarks begin at 6 p.m. with a lecture at 6:15 p.m. and moderated Q&A at 7:15 p.m. While the event is free to attend, there is a maximum capacity of 300. Advance registration is required. For more information visit
Do we have the spiritual depth, what Dr. King called "soul force," to meet his challenge today?
Dr. Lerone A. Martin will keynote the Dallas Institute's 16th annual MLK Day Symposium, this year titled “Soul Force: The Enduring Challenge of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” The event will be in partnership with and held at St. Paul United Methodist Church (1816 Routh Street, Dallas, 75201) on Friday, January 13.
Dr. King’s movement poses an uneasy problem, a problem both spiritual and political, an ongoing challenge for individuals of all races and for cities, including Dallas. Expanding upon the recent Big D Reads initiative focusing on our city’s racial history, the Dallas Institute’s MLK Symposium considers new ways to engage Dr. King’s enduring challenge today.
Our renowned keynote speaker, Dr. Lerone A. Martin, is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Centennial Professor and Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University. In 2018, Dr. Lerone Martin shared his groundbreaking discovery that there was a hidden collaboration between Black Christian evangelist Elder Michaux and the F.B.I. to discredit Martin Luther King, Jr.’s work. Lerone’s discovery fuels his thinking - and his “Soul Force” talk - that King’s movement poses an uneasy problem, a problem both spiritual and political, and an ongoing challenge for individuals of all races and all cities, including Dallas.
With thanks to Communities Foundation Texas, Ensemble Events, The Harry S. Moss Foundation, and Dr. Nancy Cain Marcus and Sanford Robertson for their support and the Dallas Institute’s 2023 MLK Committee (Brian Diggs, Sanderia Faye, Mike Grace, Dionne Kirby, Richard Oliver, Justin Moore, Byron Sanders).
Registration is required. Click here to register.
2023 Equity Indicators Symposium
The City of Dallas in partnership with Communities Foundation of Texas will host the 4th Annual Equity Indicators Symposium.
The Symposium will be centered around the recently adopted Racial Equity Plan (REP) aimed at addressing disparities found in the Dallas Equity Indicators Report* published in 2019.
The Equity Indicators Report was designed to measure disparities across 60 indicators grouped into five thematic areas: Economic Opportunity, Education, Neighborhoods and Infrastructure, Justice and Government, and Public Health.
The 2023 in-person Symposium will highlight national equity practices, alignment with community, residents, and other stakeholders, and focus on investments for change.
Join us at Paul Quinn College on Friday, January 13, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. as part of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week.
9:00 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
9:45 – 11:00 a.m. Discussion with National Partners
11:10 a.m. -12:10 p.m. Breakout Sessions – Philanthropy, Education, & City
12:10 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch, Speakers, & Performance
1:20 – 1:50 p.m. Showcase Gallery Walk
2:00 – 2:45 p.m. Equity Rooted in Data Panel
2:45 – 3:00 p.m. Closing Remarks
3:00 p.m. Networking
If you are ordering more than one ticket or a ticket on behalf of others, please specify each individual's first name, last name, and email. This information is required in order to provide attendees name tags for the event.
*The Equity Indicators data can be used by residents, businesses, educators, nonprofit leaders, public health and local government administrators, and elected officials to focus public policy efforts on creating opportunities and improving outcomes for all residents. The City of Dallas is grateful to Every Texan and the Communities Foundation of Texas for their support of this project.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.

Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: TRAVISVILLE, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
Soul Rep Theatre Company Presents: Travisville, a Play Inspired by Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation
In December, Soul Rep Theatre Company will kick off its 2022-2023 season – TO DALLAS, WITH LOVE – with Dallas native, celebrated television/film actor and playwright, William Jackson Harper’s searing drama, Travisville, inspired by Jim Schutze’s book, The Accommodation. The regional premiere production is directed by Soul Rep’s Artistic Director, Guinea Bennett-Price, and will run December 10 – 11 and 15 – 18 at the Margo Jones Theater located in the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park, 1121 First Avenue.
Travisville is a straightforward and brutally honest statement to the world by African Americans about their plight in gentrification. Penned by Harper, the play is set in 1960s Texas, in a city (Dallas) that so far has avoided the tumult of the Civil Rights Movement. Through the efforts of an alliance of black church leaders, a wary peace has been maintained with the city’s white mayor and citizens. But when the mayor partners with a private developer to gentrify the black neighborhood and uproot its residents, and a movement organizer from Atlanta comes to town, the Minister’s Alliance will need to choose between the nonconfrontational status quo and standing up for the interests of their community.
The relevance of Schutze’s book and this play in 2022 is astounding! Soul Rep is privileged to be the first theater company in North Texas to produce Travisville, of which the company recently held staged readings at four area libraries, in collaboration with the Dallas Public Library and Big D Reads. The company will hold talk-backs with audience members after two of the performances.
Tickets can be purchased at and range from $25 - $30. Group Tickets are also available.
White Rock UMC: The Accommodation Book Discussion
White Rock United Methodist Church: The Accommodation Book Discussion
Join White Rock United Methodist Church for a night to discuss the history of racism in the City of Dallas.
We'll gather with City Council members Paula Blackmon and Adam Bazaldua at Garden Cafe to discuss Big D Reads ’22 selection, The Accommodation, by Jim Schutze. The book tells the mid-century history of Dallas, centered on the civic response to the bombing of Black citizens’ homes, and the ongoing housing crisis that traces its roots to the Civil War and Jim Crow.
If you need a copy of the book you can find it at the public libraries or you can order one from Deep Vellum Publishers here in town. Also, you can find a reader's guide here.
Registration is required to attend this event. Register for the event here.
Note: White Rock UMC has extended an invitation to the author, Jim Shutze. It appears he will be joining, but that is subject to change.

South Dallas Cultural Center presents Generation X and Beyond | Let’s Talk About: The Accommodation
South Dallas Cultural Center presents Generation X and Beyond | Let’s Talk About: The Accommodation
Join us Friday, Nov. 4 and Saturday, Nov. 5 for a two-day conversation and fellowship over information, transformation and healing hosted by the South Dallas Cultural Center and moderated by Camika Spencer (@official_camika), a 2022 Juanita J. Craft Artist-in-Residence. There will be food provided by Sunny South Dallas Food Park (@sunnysouthdallasfoodpark), vendors, activities, art, and panel discussions.
In a two-day retrospective, Generation X and Beyond: Let's Talk About | The Accommodation will allow members of Generation X and Beyond to discuss Jim Shultze's book, as well as, view two short films: "Bon Ton" and "Out of Deep Wood" to shed light on and uncover information that until now, has been vaulted and racially-biased. The purpose of this conversation is to simply discuss what we didn't know and how this lack of knowledge has affected our presence in Dallas. Also, to walk away with the awareness of how to identify when and where Dallas is being relegated to systemic dispositioning and be able to have the voices of the marginalized rectified through fair action in whatever ways we can as global citizens and Texans.
Special guest panelists include: Daniel Keeling, Kendra Nichols, Aisha Willis, Jonathan 'GNO' White, and King Shakur.
Both days are free to attend with registration. Visit this link to RSVP!

South Dallas Cultural Center presents Generation X and Beyond | Let’s Talk About: The Accommodation
South Dallas Cultural Center presents Generation X and Beyond | Let’s Talk About: The Accommodation
Join us Friday, Nov. 4 and Saturday, Nov. 5 for a two-day conversation and fellowship over information, transformation and healing hosted by the South Dallas Cultural Center and moderated by Camika Spencer (@official_camika), a 2022 Juanita J. Craft Artist-in-Residence. There will be food provided by Sunny South Dallas Food Park (@sunnysouthdallasfoodpark), vendors, activities, art, and panel discussions.
In a two-day retrospective, Generation X and Beyond: Let's Talk About | The Accommodation will allow members of Generation X and Beyond to discuss Jim Shultze's book, as well as, view two short films: "Bon Ton" and "Out of Deep Wood" to shed light on and uncover information that until now, has been vaulted and racially-biased. The purpose of this conversation is to simply discuss what we didn't know and how this lack of knowledge has affected our presence in Dallas. Also, to walk away with the awareness of how to identify when and where Dallas is being relegated to systemic dispositioning and be able to have the voices of the marginalized rectified through fair action in whatever ways we can as global citizens and Texans.
Special guest panelists include: Daniel Keeling, Kendra Nichols, Aisha Willis, Jonathan 'GNO' White, and King Shakur.
Both days are free to attend with registration. Visit this link to RSVP!

CREW in the Community Annual Night of Awareness
CREW in the Community Annual Night of Awareness
Join CREW in the Community for this year's Night of Awareness event as we discuss the "missing middle", the dissolution of the middle class and its impacts on women, people of color and commercial real estate. We'll be joined by author Jim Schutze, whose book The Accommodation is having a resurgence in the community after its initial publication in the 1980s. Join us as we discuss the shrinking of the middle class and its impacts on everyone, regardless of age or socioeconomic status, and what we can do to combat disparities.
While not required, attendees are encouraged to read The Accommodation before the event. A limited supply of copies of The Accommodation will be available on a first come first served basis courtesy of Big D Reads
Hors d’oeuvres and beverages served.
Ticket cost: $35
Registration ends November 1st. Register and learn more here.

Dallas Public Library: MLK Book Club Discussion of The Accommodation
The Dallas Public Library' will host a book club discussion of The Accommodation at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch Library in the Lisa Kilolo Todd Auditorium.
Read along with others and join community conversations about The Accommodation. The MLK Book Club is a casual space to discuss and share a book participants can all read together. Participants will read at a relaxed pace and have 5 meetings to discuss the book as we progress. It is ok to read at your own pace and it is NOT required to read the book to attend. This book in particular should open up a broad discussion.
Discussions will be held on Saturdays at the MLK, Jr. Branch on September 17, October 1, October 15, October 29, and November 12 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Reading Schedule
It is not required to read the book to attend nor is it required to match anyone's pace but your own. We will focus on topics within the following page ranges which can serve as a guide to complete the book. Feel free to go further if you would like!
Sept 17 : 0-50
Oct 1: 50-100
Oct 15: 100-150
Oct 29: 150-200
Nov 12: 200-250
Space is limited to 60 participants.

The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture presents Imagining Dallas: Dallas and the Texas Triangle
The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture presents Imagining Dallas: Dallas and the Texas Triangle with Cullum Clark
At the core of the Dallas Institute is a deep desire for connection—what connects us as a city? How do our small communities affect the city at large? What connects us—is it literature, art, or economy? A combination of all 3? Join us for our first meeting in our Imagining Dallas series, where we will ponder our city, its role in the Texas Triangle, and its ever-shifting economy with Cullum Clark.
“What kind of city is being made within our midst? How do our actions affect this making? A city is a construction and, with grace, a work of art. It is the natural habitation of humankind: it holds us, frames our hopes and desires, and shapes our destiny. To ‘imagine’ the city in which we live is to participate actively in its making.” – Gail Thomas, Introduction to Imagining Dallas (1982).
Cost: $30 ($15 for Members — discount applied automatically at checkout after signing in)
Space is limited. Register here to reserve your spot!
CBRE Presents: A Reflection on Race and Real Estate in Dallas
A Reflection on Race and Real Estate in Dallas:
Big D Reads sponsor CBRE is one of the largest companies in the city of Dallas, where their global headquarters is located. CBRE is actively engaged in efforts to improve the local community and has partnered with Big D Reads to bring our city-wide read of The Accommodation to their employees.
CBRE employees: Join CBRE for a meaningful discussion about race and place and the future of our community—A Reflection on Race and Real Estate in Dallas.
Tim Dismond, Chief Responsibility Officer, CBRE
Jim Schutze, Author, The Accommodation
Will Evans, Publisher, The Accommodation
CBRE is a Gold Sponsor of Big D Reads and has partnered with Big D reads to provide complimentary paperback copies of The Accommodation to community members.
You must be a CBRE employee to attend this event. Registration and details are available through CBRE.

DMA Arts & Letters Live Presents - Big D Reads Community Book Club: The Accommodation with performance by Albion Josiah
Dallas Museum of Art | DMA Arts & Letters Live Presents: Big D Reads Community Book Club: The Accommodation
Jerry Hawkins, Executive Director of Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, joins Jim Schutze, author of The Accommodation, in a community discussion about his recently reprinted book (Deep Vellum), which illuminates the mid-century history of Dallas, centering on the civic response to the bombing of Black citizens’ homes and the ongoing housing crisis that traces its roots to the Civil War and Jim Crow.
Vocalist Albion Josiah will provide musical accompaniment. Josiah recently performed with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, and his shows have been attended by Jesse Jackson, Maria Shriver, Oprah Winfrey, and Bishop T. D. Jakes. He performed on several occasions at the White House during the Obama Administration, and, most recently, on the Emmy Award–winning 39th Annual Black Music & Civil Rights Movement.
Registration required. Register here! If this event shows a waitlist, please add your name in case more space becomes available.
CBRE Presents: A Reflection on Race and Real Estate in Dallas
A Reflection on Race and Real Estate in Dallas:
Big D Reads sponsor CBRE is one of the largest companies in the city of Dallas, where their global headquarters is located. CBRE is actively engaged in efforts to improve the local community and has partnered with Big D Reads to bring our city-wide read of The Accommodation to their employees.
CBRE employees: Join CBRE for a meaningful discussion about race and place and the future of our community—A Reflection on Race and Real Estate in Dallas.
Tim Dismond, Chief Responsibility Officer, CBRE
Jim Schutze, Author, The Accommodation
Will Evans, Publisher, The Accommodation
CBRE is a Gold Sponsor of Big D Reads and has partnered with Big D reads to provide complimentary paperback copies of The Accommodation to community members.
You must be a CBRE employee to attend this event. Registration and details are available through CBRE.
Read The Accommodation with Dr. Wade
Read The Accommodation with Dr. Wade
Join Read with Dr. Wade for an enlightening read and discussion group of The Accommodation at the historic Griggs Park in Uptown Dallas. This event will take place the following Saturdays (October 15 and 22) from 6 to 7 pm. The agenda includes speakers: the Legendary Don and Jocelyn Pinkard of Hidden History Tours DFW and Black Studies Expert Matthew Conley. You are not expected to have read the book prior to the event, however, the goal Is to complete the book in the month of October.

Dallas Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation Bus Tour
Dallas Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation Bus Tour
Join Big D Reads community partner, Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, on The Accommodation: A Book Bus Tour! Dallas TRHT is hosting an interactive and curated bus tour about Jim Schutze's book which tells the mid-century history of Dallas centered on the civic response to the bombing of Black citizens’ homes, and the ongoing housing crisis that traces its roots to slavery, Civil War and Jim Crow.
Attendees will be guided through an 8-stop tour around the city of Dallas visiting the physical locations depicted in the book. Boxed lunch and a paperback copy of The Accommodation will be provided to every attendee!
This event is offered to our community at no cost.
Registration is closed. Join the waitlist here!

Dallas Media Collaborative x Big D Reads: Modern-day Redlining in Dallas: Investigation, conversation, and where do we go from here?
Dallas Media Collaborative x Big D Reads: Modern-day Redlining in Dallas: Investigation, conversation, and where do we go from here?
Join us on Wednesday, October 19 from 5 pm - 6:30 pm for an overview of the major findings from the Banking Below 30 series led by investigative producer Jason Trahan, one of the WFAA journalists whose story uncovered that nearly 20 percent of banks in Dallas openly refuse to lend to minority communities below I-30.
Trahan will then lead a panel discussion with author of The Accommodation, Jim Schutze, SMU professor Barbara Minsker, whose recent study examines another form of redlining — infrastructure deserts — and James McGee, president of Southern Dallas Progress. Together, the panelists will discuss how modern-day redlining persists in Dallas and leave us with an idea of how we can move forward on economic justice and rights to opportunity.
This event is hosted by the Dallas Media Collaborative (DMC) in partnership with Big D Reads. The DMC is a group of Dallas-area news outlets, universities and nonprofits that focuses on examining affordable housing through a solutions journalism lens.
Registration required. Register here!
Questions? Email Jennie Trejo at

Pan-African Connection: Book Discussion for “The Accommodation” with Commissioner John Wiley Price and author Jim Schutze
Pan-African Connection: Book Discussion for The Accommodation with Commissioner John Wiley Price and Jim Schutze
Big D Reads community partner, the Pan-African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and Resource Center, will host a book discussion with The Accommodation author Jim Schutze and forward writer, Commissioner John Wiley Price, and John Fullinwider on Sunday, October 16th from 2 pm - 4 pm at the bookstore.
This event is open to the public! Registration is not required. Questions? Call the bookstore at 214-943-8262.
Read The Accommodation with Dr. Wade
Read The Accommodation with Dr. Wade
Join Read with Dr. Wade for an enlightening read and discussion group of The Accommodation at the historic Griggs Park in Uptown Dallas. This event will take place the following Saturdays (October 15 and 22) from 6 to 7 pm. The agenda includes speakers: the Legendary Don and Jocelyn Pinkard of Hidden History Tours DFW and Black Studies Expert Matthew Conley. You are not expected to have read the book prior to the event, however, the goal Is to complete the book in the month of October.

Dallas Institute of Humanities & Culture: Seminar on The Accommodation
The Dallas Institute of Humanities & Culture present a seminar on The Accommodation in partnership with Big D Reads
Sponsored by Communities Foundation of Texas
Back by popular demand: The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture invites you to a seminar discussion on Wednesday, October 12 from 6pm - 8pm, focused on Jim Schutze’s The Accommodation: The Politics of Race in an American City. The seminar will be led by Dionne Kirby, CEO of Literacy Achieves, and Richard Oliver, Diversity Chair at Verdigris Ensemble.
Registration is closed. Keep up to date with the Dallas Institute of Humanities & Culture here!

Big D Reads Conversation at Pegasus Park
A Conversation with Author Jim Schutze, Dallas Foundation Chief Impact Officer Drexell Owusu, and Child Poverty Action Lab Senior Director Ashley Flores on The Accommodation
Our friends at Pegasus Park are hosting a conversation on Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 6-7:30. The conversation will feature author Jim Schutze, Dallas Foundation Chief Impact Officer Drexell Owusu, and Child Poverty Action Lab Senior Director Ashley Flores in discussion about The Accommodation, a powerful, long-repressed classic of Dallas history written by Schutze that examines the violent and suppressed history of race and racism in the city.
Water Cooler Partners, the Commit Partnership, The Dallas Foundation, and United to Learn will host the evening conversation, which will be moderated by Commit Chief of Staff Miguel Solis. The conversation will explore the history behind The Accommodation and how we can take steps to remediate past injustices and build a more inclusive future. Light refreshments will be provided.
Registration required. Register here by Tuesday, Oct. 11, to attend.

PEN America Presents: Book Bans and Disinformation- The Ties Between Media Literacy and the Freedom to Read
PEN America Presents: Book Bans and Disinformation- The Ties Between Media Literacy and the Freedom to Read
Bring your lunch and join PEN America and the Dallas Public Library for a lunchtime media literacy workshop and Q&A. We will begin with our classic media literacy workshop for community leaders, and then explore the connection between disinformation and other anti-democratic trends.
During the workshop, we’ll take a holistic approach to embracing the ins and outs of media literacy, which includes skills for navigating difficult conversations with those who believe it and spread. In this 60-minute workshop, we will cover the following:
Definition refresher: What is the difference between misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, again?
How to communicate with family and friends who believe misinformation without sacrificing your own mental health
A day in the life of a lie: The way misinformation moves and morphs between countries and social media platforms, closed messaging apps, and radio shows
The psychology: How false content hacks our brains through confirmation bias, fear, and more
Disinformation does not exist in a vacuum: Recognizing the importance of historical and cultural contexts that are often used against targeted audiences
Strategies for uplifting credible, culturally attuned, in-language news and information quickly with messaging that doesn’t polarize or alienate
Communication strategies for expressing the value of media literacy as a leader and trusted messenger in your community